Everything around us
is a discovery -- even if you've seen it before.
When you watch a movie
for the second time -- you discover knew things, and dialogue you missed
Discovering requires
more than looking.
Discovering requires
In order to 'see' you
must have a clear mind otherwise you will 'color' everything you see.
When you look at someone,
you see them from the front.
However, someone else
may see them from behind and get an entirely different opinion based upon
their different view -- of the same person.
Another person, standing
farther away, may only make out their relative size and male or female.
But, when you look closely
into someone's face, do you see them the way they see their self?
Our goal is to UNCLOUD
your vision and CLEAR your mind -- so you can see you -- clearly.
Then, after we have created
a NEW YOU, your improved 'seeing' will enable you to 'see' other people
more clearly and understand who they are and why they are who they are...

Buddha Zhen
Patriarch, shaolinZEN.org