I grew up in the 1960s.
I believed, as a teenager,
that no one over 30 could be trusted, and the police were my enemy.
Mature means you are
equal to all adults.
When I encounter policemen,
I sometimes see them as misguided children. A far cry from my earlier
Maturity is a process.
I've taught many adults who were immature and childlike -- to their discredit.
Some people reach maturity
in their early twenties. Some adults never attain maturity -- but they
Maturity is like singing.
When you are young --
you sing because you want to and no matter how bad it sounds, you enjoy
When you are immature
-- you sing good because someone MAKES YOU PRACTICE singing.
When you are mature --
YOU MAKE YOURSELF PRACTICE singing because you want to sing good.
That's the kicker: "You
Make Yourself" practice. YOU are YOUR PARENT.

Buddha Zhen
Patriarch, shaolinZEN.org